Reclaim Sundays as a day of reflection, insight and just a little laziness.
Learn to slow down, let go, experiment and play a little and just watch your creativity unfold!

Being creative isn’t all about making stuff and being good at it!
It’s way of seeing, feeling, listening, investigating and understanding the world.
Here follows 50 suggestions, exercises and projects to help you for a few hours once a week, unravel that ball of wool in your head you call ‘busy’, 'must' and ‘deadline’ and crochet it into that quirky Sunday jumper you may well love enough to want to wear on a weekday.

This is a personal account, with ideas and suggestions along the way of how to 'let go' of that critical bit of the brain and just see where it takes you. 

“Things are as they are. Looking out into it the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.”
Alan Watts (Thinker and Interpreter of Zen Buddhism, 1915-1973)

“We should be mucking about all the time, because mucking about is enjoying life for its own sake, now, and not in preperation for an imaginary future. It's obvious that the mirth filled man, the cheerful soul, the childish adult is the one who has least to fear from life.”
Tom Hodgkinson (Author -The freedom manifesto)

“Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week”
Joseph Addison (English essayist, poet and Statesman 1672 -1719)

27 - eavesdrop on yourself

I'm sure I've spent plenty of time thinking about the past or what's yet to come, rather than actually just listening to what's around in the moment.

This practice encourages a shift of attention from thinking to just listening, even if it does just seem like jabber!

Before you start, make sure there are no distractions... that's important.

Use an A4 piece of scrap paper or a cheap writing pad you don't mind messing up, the main thing is not to get precious about it.

Wait as long as you need to for any words, sentences or phrases to come to mind, it may take a while to notice them, don't rush it. When they come into your head just copy the words down onto paper. 

Close your eyes if you need to, just start writing the first things that come in to your head and keep going. 

It's important that you don't plan forward, just stay with that moment and don't stop to think. 

If you can't think of anything, then just write that down too "my mind is blank, I can't think of anything-- until something emerges and allow that thought to lead wherever it will.

Don’t censor, edit, check back on correct spelling or correct words or grammar. Ignore the sentence structure.

This technique produces a rawness that helps switch off that left analytical brain and it's naggy old self-criticism.

You'll find if you just let go a little, your subconscious will take over giving you all sorts of insights and probably a good laugh too. Hey, let yourself go, why not write on the side of your house?

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves. Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.

(Lewis Carroll -  Jabberwocky)

If we can be fully present in our practice we will naturally find an overflowing of a deeper more alive presence in our every day life. We open to a deeper dimension of ourselves."Ultimately there is no longer a subject who sees nor an object which is seen. There is only oneness.."
Dr Jean Klein (European doctor & prominent KASHMIRI YOGA teacher) 

The Mungle pilgriffs far awoy. Religeorge too thee worled.
Sam fells on the waysock-side. And somforbe on a gurled,
With all her faulty bagnose!
(John Lennon -  "The Faulty Bagnose")