Reclaim Sundays as a day of reflection, insight and just a little laziness.
Learn to slow down, let go, experiment and play a little and just watch your creativity unfold!

Being creative isn’t all about making stuff and being good at it!
It’s way of seeing, feeling, listening, investigating and understanding the world.
Here follows 50 suggestions, exercises and projects to help you for a few hours once a week, unravel that ball of wool in your head you call ‘busy’, 'must' and ‘deadline’ and crochet it into that quirky Sunday jumper you may well love enough to want to wear on a weekday.

This is a personal account, with ideas and suggestions along the way of how to 'let go' of that critical bit of the brain and just see where it takes you. 

“Things are as they are. Looking out into it the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.”
Alan Watts (Thinker and Interpreter of Zen Buddhism, 1915-1973)

“We should be mucking about all the time, because mucking about is enjoying life for its own sake, now, and not in preperation for an imaginary future. It's obvious that the mirth filled man, the cheerful soul, the childish adult is the one who has least to fear from life.”
Tom Hodgkinson (Author -The freedom manifesto)

“Sunday clears away the rust of the whole week”
Joseph Addison (English essayist, poet and Statesman 1672 -1719)

33 - Do what you like

Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation.

Oscar Wilde, Irish dramatist, novelist, & poet (1854 - 1900)

32 - Play with a Uke

Light, inexpensive, portable and doesn't take itself too seriously. The chipper Ukulele is just a pleasure to hold and possibly the easiest instrument you'll ever play and probably the one that's the most fun....

31 - your other hand

Let go of the grip of the conscious critical mind by confusing and tricking it into submission, prevent that part of the brain from relying on the safe tricks that it's developed in an attempt to produce a "good" or "impressive" style.

Comparison with a drawing of the same thing undertaken with your ‘usual’ hand will demonstrate that whilst a ‘wrong hand drawing’ won't, in all likelihood, produce a great physical likeness, it will produce a more emotive image.

Charm, humour and interestingness, this exercise will almost surely illustrate, doesn't come out of the sureness of style or habit that your usual hand gives but more than likely from this looser, more liberated, less dominant hand.

30 - journal

“I have always felt it is my destiny to build a machine that would allow man to fly,” wrote Leonardo da Vinci in his journal alongside a sketch for an impossibly ingenious invention he called his Flying Machine.
Through his journal, Leonardo da Vinci learned and shaped the ideas that lead to his final paintings, inventions and insights.

You might think of your journal as a notebook, a diary, a friend, confidant, a playground, a dumping ground for excess thoughts, a scrapbook of your ideas and dreams, a place to illustrate insights and reflections, all of these in one or something quite different.

29 - absorb the seasons

The rhythms and cycles of the seasonal changes will of course have an effect on our reactions and moods.

The visual changes are stimulating, and the temperature changes create automatic responses in our minds and bodies. 

Spring is a lively time, full of freshness and new beginnings. 

Motivated by the sight of bright flowers and new shoots, its a time when we might find ourselves attracted to vibrancy.

Splash the colours you see around you onto paper or canvas. 

Let go of form and perspective,  just capturing the colours is an excellent way to wake up your senses after a long, dark winter. 

Summer encourages us to take things a little slower and step outside.

Recuperating and soaking up the sun rays, it's a time of taking notice of the brightness intensity of the world around you. 

Autumn, very different to spring and summer, where leaves turn red and golden and orange. 

A time of harvesting, are your ideas ready to harvest, or will they need more time? Do they need reshaping or pruning, to help them grow strong? 

Winter is naturally a time of hibernation, regeneration and rest but a good time too to keep in contact with others to avoid becoming a hermit. 

Read books by the fire, do some investigation of ideas that may have come up during autumn and let the ideas mull like wine. 

28 - make space

Meditation gives your mind the room to notice the intuitive and original moments that otherwise go unnoticed when we act from, well... habit.

I've noticed that when I do take the time to meditate regularly I, apart from other things become a lot less serious. 

When we see the humour in the everyday things around us, we naturally tune in to the absurd and unusual, and inevitably creativity will unfold. Light-Heartedness is an excellent frame of mind to keep the left brained critic from taking over and stifling creative thought.

Allowing the eyes to soft focus on a neutral surface and be aware of everything around it without focusing on any particular thing, you'll notice that your peripheral vision is increased and your sensitivity to what's there is really enhanced. 

Your mind slows down and your subconscious with it's natural creativity is given more space.

27 - eavesdrop on yourself

I'm sure I've spent plenty of time thinking about the past or what's yet to come, rather than actually just listening to what's around in the moment.

This practice encourages a shift of attention from thinking to just listening, even if it does just seem like jabber!

Before you start, make sure there are no distractions... that's important.

Use an A4 piece of scrap paper or a cheap writing pad you don't mind messing up, the main thing is not to get precious about it.

Wait as long as you need to for any words, sentences or phrases to come to mind, it may take a while to notice them, don't rush it. When they come into your head just copy the words down onto paper. 

Close your eyes if you need to, just start writing the first things that come in to your head and keep going. 

It's important that you don't plan forward, just stay with that moment and don't stop to think. 

If you can't think of anything, then just write that down too "my mind is blank, I can't think of anything-- until something emerges and allow that thought to lead wherever it will.

Don’t censor, edit, check back on correct spelling or correct words or grammar. Ignore the sentence structure.

This technique produces a rawness that helps switch off that left analytical brain and it's naggy old self-criticism.

You'll find if you just let go a little, your subconscious will take over giving you all sorts of insights and probably a good laugh too. Hey, let yourself go, why not write on the side of your house?

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves. Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves, And the mome raths outgrabe.

(Lewis Carroll -  Jabberwocky)

If we can be fully present in our practice we will naturally find an overflowing of a deeper more alive presence in our every day life. We open to a deeper dimension of ourselves."Ultimately there is no longer a subject who sees nor an object which is seen. There is only oneness.."
Dr Jean Klein (European doctor & prominent KASHMIRI YOGA teacher) 

The Mungle pilgriffs far awoy. Religeorge too thee worled.
Sam fells on the waysock-side. And somforbe on a gurled,
With all her faulty bagnose!
(John Lennon -  "The Faulty Bagnose")

26 - self portrait

Find as many ways as you can to illustrate how you see yourself. 

Start with the most obvious - your appearance and how you like to project yourself through things like your shoes or your hair. 

Photographs are a good tool to begin with, as they are most literal.

Gradually become more detailed and specific, notice patterns that start to develop. 

Move past the obvious external aspects and start to come to a more subtle place. Your traits and interests.

Become more abstract still by using sketches and collage. Keep going through the layes of "youness", see where it takes you?

Your self image is your pattern!. Every thought has an activity visualised. Every activity belongs to a pattern. You identify with your pattern or thought. Your patterns lead your life.

J. G. Gallimore

25 - time contrast

Next time you're in your local high street, look up! The contrast between the modern shops and the buildings they've evolved from is often astounding. It gives a real visual representation of the passing of time and 

24 - drawing music

Music has a way of freeing emotions with its rhythms, vibrations, and beats. 
Dim the lights right down, put on a piece of music that you know moves you in a particular way.

Just listen for a while and then when you feel ready, without looking down, let your response to the music move down your hand and into the pen through to the blankness of the paper. 

Hold the pen loosely and let it move as around as it wants to. Move with the pace, tempo and style of the music and don't be tempted to make your scribble 'into' anything.
Take on the idea that you're a witness of what your hand is doing rather than its controller.

Open to the idea of not drawing to music, rather drawing the music itself. It doesn't matter what the end result is on your paper, don't think about it in fact don't look down.
 Not trying to make any forms or shape, just responding and following the pace, tempo and pitch.

Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything. 


23 - what is interesting?

What's more interesting, a Paris skyline or a dirty window?
I would have unquestioningly said the former but on a recent visit to the Pompidou centre, my mind stimulated and frankly mixed up. I found myself unnervingly attracted to the latter.
It's dust and scratches shimmering in the light and creating textures and patterns of infinite variety.
The thought came to me that there is of course no difference in it's interestingness.

Take a walk from here to the end of your road and look down as you do. 
See if you can find at least 10 objects along the way that catch your eye, to photograph.

“To me, photography is an art of observation. It's about finding something interesting in an ordinary place... I've found it has little to do with the things you see and everything to do with the way you see them.”
(Elliott Erwitt advertising and documentary photographer known for black and white candid shots of absurd and everyday settings )

22 - get lost in colour

Investigate the effect of color on your behavior and feelings.

Take yourself off for a walk, a slow walk. Pick a colour and focus on it all around you while you do. 
Take your camera along and capture the colour in as many shades from as many sources as you can.

Cool colors can evoke both calm and sadness. Depending on the intensity. 
Peaceful, dependable, cool blue is the most popular color, it can still the mind or feel cold and unfriendly depending on your mood?

Red can feel Passionate and provocative but also aggressive. It can be cozy or mean danger, commanding us to stop in traffic or just stamping it's foot and demanding attention.

Just notice how your chosen colour makes you feel?

“Speed kills colour... the gyroscope, when turning at full speed, shows up gray.”
(Paul Morand novelist, poet and early Modernist)

"Colour is the key. The eye is the hammer. The soul is the piano with its many chords. The artist is the hand that, by touching this or that key, sets the soul vibrating automatically."
(French Expressionist Painter, 1866-1944).

21 - Continuous line

Synchronise the movement of your eye with the movement of your pencil. Move slowly and steadily.
From the start of the drawing to the end don’t let your pencil leave the paper.

Be aware of the thread and fluidity, the connectedness of each aspect of the image you’re creating. The tying together of it all, as if the drawing was being fashioned with wire. Let it overlap itself as your pencil weaves around the page.

When One tugs at a single thing in Nature, he finds it attached to the rest of the world.
John Muir (1838 - 1914 Scottish-born American naturalist, author, and conservationists.

20 - bury your watch

Just for one day in your life refuse to be a slave to time. Bury your watch in your sock drawer and turn your clocks around.

The world won't come to an end just because your not ticking away, your day may even seem a lot longer.

Clocks slay time... time is dead as long as it is being clicked off by little wheels; only when the clock stops does time come to life
William Faulkner (1897 –1962 Nobel Prize-winning author, poet and screenwriter).

19 - express yourself

On a recent trip to Amsterdam. I was struck by how much self expression was put into peoples highly individualised bikes. I myself can't drive and my bike takes me everywhere but I've never considered customising it or really enhancing it in any way in particular. I guess the point here is that, in Amsterdam, bike theft is an everyday thing and a good proportion of inhabitants wouldn't consider leaving a new or expensive one lying around. Whilst it's easy to get precious about something perfect, an old rusty bike is a blank canvas, calling out to be embellished. Your personality is bound to be infused in the result. Take something you're thinking of throwing out anyway and see if you can make something quite lovely out of it?

Expression of one's own personality, feelings, or ideas, as through speech or art: "Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfillment" (Pearl S. Buck)

18 - take note

This is more about observing and capturing a thought or a moment, than impressing yourself. 
I like to use a cheap unruled notebook. The cheaper the better. 
I steer clear of moleskin and the like, It'll only make me care too much. 

Interestingly, I also find it stops me hoarding. If I have a record of something, I don't necessarily need to keep hold of it.

“Observe, record, tabulate, communicate. Use your five senses. . . . Learn to see, learn to hear, learn to feel, learn to smell, and know that by practice alone you can become expert.”
 William Osler (1849-1919 Physician, described as the Father of Modern Medicine, pathologist, educator, historian and author)

17 - set yourself to macro

On a walk home along London's South Bank with my camera, on an uncomfortably cold Feb' day. I started to notice I was thinking about where I wanted to get to, rather than where I actually was. 

I'd become so familiar with the scene that I hardly noticed it at all. My companion said that this was why she loved to travel to far away places, because England was "just too familiar!"
I could obviously see her point, as was told in the way I was marching off towards my tube station but it didn't feel quite right!
I walked the long way back to my train station rather than getting the tube and decided to look out  through my lens. Once my camera was set on macro a much less familiar place opened up to me. 
It opened the idea to me that when I get into that way of thinking, I can always set myself on macro and view a new world of detail, colour and shape and texture... a lot cheaper than flying to Thailand!

“We think in generalities, but we live in detail”
 Alfred North Whitehead (British Mathematician and Philosopher, 1861-1947)

16 - sit there

I'm quite sure that I've spend as much time thinking about life as just experiencing it. I'm becoming increasingly aware however that when I do have a change attention from thinking to just plain being there, I  feel a lot happier and generally more connected, time slows down and it all feels less like hopping on and off a fast train. There's room to breath and notice and enjoy a simple moment of not very much happening.

“Happiness is not a brilliant climax to years of grim struggle and anxiety. It is a long succession of little decisions simply to be happy in the moment.”
J. Donald Walters - (Yogi, author of over 100 books and the composer of over 400 pieces of music, speaks Italian, Romanian, Greek, French, Spanish, German, Hindi, Bengali, and Indonesian)

Don't just do something - sit there!  
Author Unknown

15 - your doorstep

What inspires me about my own culture...
Well humour is something I really appreciate about where I live. It's used to establish a good atmosphere, to bridge differences, introduce odd ideas and to show appreciation or contempt. 
I like it that the British joke about everything... the queen, politics, religion but most importantly ourselves! 
Understatement too is a brilliant thing... "Not bad" actually meaning "very good" and "not bad at all" being the highest praise.
There's also nothing like a nice cup of tea!

“A discerning eye needs only a hint, and understatement leaves the imagination free to build its own elaborations.”
 Russell Page (British landscape architect) 

14 - ugly beauty

Quite a few beautiful things, are really pretty horrid, and many ugly things are quite good in one way or another. 
Insect-eating plants are uniquely beautiful and captivate the eye of all who behold. 
Each produces shimmering leaves lined with glistening droplets of glue that attract, trap and kill insects and other small animals in a fairly ghastly way. 

During a walk in the park, I found myself turning away from the perfect blueness of the sky and became transfixed by the marbling of scum on a dirty pond. It lead me to question which was the most beautiful, at that moment, I had to admit the scum was strangely and surprisingly more captivating.

“It is our own mental attitude which makes the world what it is for us. Our thought make things beautiful, our thoughts make things ugly. The whole world is in our own minds.
Swami Vivekananda (influential spiritual leader of the philosophies of Yoga and Vedanta 1863-1902)